Care of Capen Mulch Site Demo Garden and new Frog Pond
Public Welcome Chapter Social
We will be taking care of the Demonstration site at the Capen Mulch Site on a monthly basis. This month we will begin a frog pond project. We will begin to dig out the existing native plants in the site where we will dig the pond hole. Bring a garden spade, a bag or bucket to carry home the plants you want to keep, the usual garden gloves and pruners, drinking water for yourself. Hopefully we can also begin digging the pond hole depending on how many people show up. The hole will be approximately 18" to 2 feet deep. Goals for the first workday are to remove plants from the designated area and establish the perimeter of the pond and begin to dig. If you are not someone who wants to shovel, there are other tasks that need to be done, such as weeding, cutting back the rose mallow to 14" stems, the usual garden clean up.