

Member Lesa Beamer's Yard and Restored Prairie Tour

This event has ended
Saturday, June 12th, 2021
to (Central Time)
Lesa Beamer's property, 8400 South Route N, Columbia, MO Map

We will tour Lesa Beamer's native yard, where she has been working for 20 years.  This includes a 1/2 acre restored prairie, a new rain garden, and a wooded area that has been burned to reveal more native plants.

Note: Don't rely on GPS
Directions from Providence and Nifong:  Take Providence south to 163 (by Rock Bridge Elementary School) and turn left.  Take 163 through Rock Bridge park.  At the first stop sign (by Pierpont Store) turn right onto Route N.  Go 1 mile to my house (mailbox on left).  Park on grass to right of driveway.  If that fills up, easiest place to park is on Pierpont Meadows Road, which is just before my driveway, also on the left.
New note:  Lesa's mailbox was part of original directions, but it was recently destroyed.   The post with the house #  is still standing and will have red tape around it so it is more visible.

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